Privacy policy

Privacy policy

In this privacy statement, you can read about how we handle your (personal) data. Do you have questions about the information in this statement? Then please contact us.

This privacy statement applies to all website visits, transactions, and agreements with Safe Seaports.

Company information::
Name: Mainport Zeehavens Zeeland | West-Brabant
Address: Postbus 1 4450 AA Heinkenszand

The website of Safe Seaports ( processes privacy-sensitive data, also known as personal data. Safe Seaports is responsible for the processing of this data and considers careful handling of personal data very important.

In our processing, we comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data we collect and for what purpose we use this data.

What are personal data? Personal data are data that directly concern a person or information that can be traced back to a person. Examples of personal data include: name, address, place of residence, telephone number, postal code, house number, race, religion, health, etc.

In your website visit or cooperation with Safe Seaports, not all of this data is relevant. We kindly ask you to only provide personal data that you deem necessary for our cooperation.

Safe Seaports collects personal data via in several ways:

  1. Through forms on the website
  2. Through Google Analytics

The Safe Seaports website contains several forms. In these forms, we ask you for various personal data. With the forms, you can inquire about the services of Safe Seaports. Examples of these forms are: ‘application form for reporting card’, ‘contact form’, ‘newsletter’, etc.

In the forms, we ask you for:

  • Your name
  • Your telephone number
  • Your email address
  • Your company

With these forms, you can ask us a question, subscribe to the newsletter, or request one of our services. We use the data collected with the forms to answer your request. We do this by email or telephone.

The data you enter in the forms is stored by us for a limited time. In case of follow-up questions, we can easily access this data as long as it is still in our system. Also, based on the questions and answers, we can train our employees to handle questions better. We store the entered data for a maximum of six months after you have entered it.

The Safe Seaports website uses Google Analytics. We use this tool to collect anonymous, analytical data from our website visitors. We use these website statistics to learn from our website visitors and adjust our products and services accordingly. The data we collect is anonymous; we cannot identify the individuals behind the data based on the information.

The collected information is stored on Google data centers. Locations of the data centers: We have made agreements with Google regarding the processing of this data through a data processing agreement. Google is not permitted to use this data for other purposes. More about Google’s privacy policy can be found here:

We only disclose your personal data to third parties (companies or institutions) if required by law. For example, when the police demand it in case of suspicion of a crime.

Safe Seaports collaborates with subprocessors, e.g., our website administrator. The partners we work with may have access to your personal data or that of your customers. Collaborating with these subprocessors is essential for Safe Seaports in our service provision. To ensure that these subprocessors handle this data correctly, Safe Seaports has concluded data processing agreements with our suppliers.

Additionally, there are links to social media pages on our website. If you click on these links, these social media providers may collect personal data. This statement only applies to We cannot guarantee that other parties handle your personal data accurately.

Would you like to know about the personal data we have collected from you? Please contact us. The contact details are provided in point 2 of this privacy statement. Regarding your personal data, you can always ask us for:

  • Access to the exact personal data we have about you.
  • Explanation of the personal data we have about you and what we do with it.
  • To correct your personal data if it is incorrect.
  • To delete your personal data if, for example, it is incorrect or outdated.

Additionally, you may at any time withdraw your consent to store and process your personal data or object to how we use your personal data.

Safe Seaports does not retain your personal data longer than necessary for our service provision. Once this data is no longer necessary, we delete it.

Safe Seaports takes measures to protect personal data.

  • Access to personal data is always shielded with a username and password.
  • Personal data are stored on a secured system accessible only to Safe Seaports employees after reception.
  • Safe Seaports staff handles personal data confidentially.
  • Safe Seaports uses an SSL certificate (secure socket layer).

Do you have a complaint about how Safe Seaports handles your privacy? First, please contact us. We will listen to and address your complaint. If you then believe that we cannot resolve it together, you can always send a tip to the Dutch Data Protection Authority ( or take the matter to court.

Questions about this privacy policy? Please contact us.