Report Crime Anonymously: Your Identity Remains Unknown
Report Crime Anonymously: Your Identity Remains Unknown
Do you know something about criminal activities? Such information is valuable and can lead to the capture of criminals and the cessation of criminal activities. However, if the perpetrator knows you too, you might feel unsafe reporting it. That’s why there’s Meld Misdaad Anoniem, commonly known as M. Your Identity Remains Unknown.
At M., the anonymity of the reporter is the top priority. Your identity remains unknown. To guarantee your anonymity, they go to great lengths.
- M. is completely independent from the police.
- M. does not record calls.
- M. does not see IP addresses or phone numbers.
- M. does not store any data.
- You will never hear from M. again after your report.
You Can Safely Contribute to a Safer Environment
The information you provide anonymously can help make your living environment safer. The tens of thousands of valuable reports received by M. over the years have helped police, municipalities, and law enforcement agencies detect a lot of crime.
M. is available seven days a week via 0800-7000. On Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, and on weekends and public holidays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Additionally, you can report online 24/7 in a secure environment at www.meldmisdaadanoniem.nl.