Reporting Crime for a Safe Harbor
Reporting Crime for a Safe Harbor
Port workers access areas others cannot reach. They might witness suspicious activities or be coerced by criminals into participating in illegal activities such as drug smuggling. Cooperation with criminals is dangerous for the employees and harmful to businesses.
Therefore, it’s important that we work together to keep the harbor safe. For example, by reporting anything you have heard, seen, or experienced. Reports can be made in various ways, including anonymously.
The Report Card Points the Way
The report card outlines how to make a report and is available for free to companies in the ports of Moerdijk, Vlissingen/Borsele, and Terneuzen. Display the report card, add it to the information for new staff, or use it during discussions on staff resilience. Also, place the digital version prominently on the intranet.
The report card is an initiative of the collaborating parties within the Mainport Seaports of Zeeland – West Brabant. The municipalities of Vlissingen, Borsele, Terneuzen, and Moerdijk, along with the Police, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Customs, Royal Marechaussee, Tax Authority, and the port companies North Sea Port and Port of Moerdijk, are combining their efforts here. This strengthens our seaports against undermining crime and targets criminals, ensuring a safe and favorable environment for working and doing business.
Free Requests
Here you can download the report card. Companies in the ports of Moerdijk, Vlissingen/Borsele, and Terneuzen can also request free printed copies.
Feel free to contact us with any other questions about making your organization and employees more resilient. We are here to help!