Smart Fencing at Bijleveldhaven
Smart Fencing at Bijleveldhaven
Seaports are attractive targets for criminals for the import and export of illegal goods. Enhanced security helps combat crime. Therefore, security measures in the Vlissingen/Borsele port area will be significantly upgraded in the coming years.
A ‘smart’ fence will be installed parallel to Europaweg. The first section will run along Europaweg North, between Westhofhaven and Fort Rammekens. This will be partly a physical fence with motion detection. About 30% will be a ‘virtual fence’, consisting of a closed network of cameras. This fence is expected to be completed in the fall of 2024. The second part of the smart fence, along Europaweg South, will be put out to tender in 2025.
The fence is being installed on behalf of the Foundation for Safe Seaports of Zeeland. In this foundation, the municipalities of Vlissingen and Borsele, together with North Sea Port and local businesses, collaborate on securing the port area. In the coming years, the foundation will also implement other measures to counteract crime in the ports, such as comprehensive camera surveillance and biometric access control, which involves using fingerprints or iris scans for identification.